To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle.
--- George Orwell
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Years Before The 'Epic Fail' Of 2016's Election Coverage, 'Coloring The News' Saw The Corruption Of The Media's 'Diversity' Obsession
From the conclusion of Coloring
The News: How Crusading For Diversity Has Corrupted American Journalism
(Encounter Books, 2002)
pp. 240-249: We
joke about newspapers being good for wrapping fish or lining hamster cages. But
news organizations have always played a crucial role in our democratic
political culture, raising important questions and sup- plying factual
information in order that policymakers and the public at large can make sound
choices about the kind of society we want to live in. This function is doubly
important today as we proceed through a crossroads moment of profound ethnic,
racial and cultural change. The country has never been more in need of clear,
candid discussion and debate---a service that only a frank, free and forthright
press can pro- vide.
the ideologically driven pro-diversity coverage has had unintended consequences
that undercut the very aims it
is meant to bolster. By enhancing sensitivity to the plight of minority groups
chaffing at norms defined by the dominant culture, media diversity was sup-
posed to help immigrants, blacks, gays and women. Diversity was also supposed
to help the media itself, boosting its credibility-and salability- among groups
it had long ignored or long alienated. But the one-sided reporting that has
attended this effort has actually been bad for these minority groups, and in
many ways has helped to feed a reactionary dynamic. As for helping to make the
news industry stronger as a business and as a profession, diversity has often
had the opposite effect, turning off many of its consumers and undermining the
credibility and authority of the media as a public institution.
the larger damage has been to the nation's civic culture as a whole and its
ability to respond to the changes that unprecedented demographic change has
brought and will further bring. As one thoughtful reporter at the San Francisco Chronicle reflected, "The ultimate goal is a society with as much racial
and ethnic fairness and harmony as possible, and we can't get there unless we
in the press are ready to talk about it in full."
addition to having a questionable effect on public attitudes toward the group
whose agenda it means to favor. The increasingly diversity-obsessed and overly
sensitive media have also had undesirable effects on American liberalism and
its institutional embodiment, the Democratic Party. While conservatives often
rail about the unfair disadvantage they labor under because of the press's
automatic identification with liberal ideas,
values and politics, the truth is that such sympathy has not been an unmixed
fact, there are plenty of liberals who eschew
the left's celebration of racial and ethnic group differences and its
insistence that narrow group identity should be the organizing principle of our
society. According to these thinkers, a society that parcels out opportunities
on the basis of race, ethnicity and gender will always be a society full of
resentments. As Jim Sleeper, author of Liberal Racism, maintains,
it is precisely because we are becoming more diverse as a nation that we should
reject self-conscious diversity efforts that "work overtime" to
heighten the importance of race in American public life. Rather than affirming
the centrality of race and subculture, we need to revive popular faith in the
ideals of assimilation and integration which have always been at the core of
the progressive civic faith.
transformation of liberalism from a race-neutral to a race-central philosophy
was a complicated historical process. But because it put up so little
institutional resistance to the growth and spread of this racial essentialism, the
press bears considerable responsibility for the traction it has gained in our
culture. The
press has been much too ready to side with those of the left who, in a McCarthy-esque
way, dismiss race-neutral liberals
as closet conservatives or cranks. This has made it hard for liberals who
disdain identity politics to get a fair hearing and, more importantly, for
their ideas to get the consideration they deserve.
the press's reflexive, pro-diversity bias has
proved damaging for liberalism in general, it has been exceptionally damaging
in the fight to save American liberalism's most cherished cause: racial
preferences. Had the media establishment been more aggressive in challenging racial preferences, it would have been difficult for liberal
supporters of such policies to ignore their unfairness and the resentment they
were generating.
media preoccupation with race, ethnicity and gender has also obscured the
importance of class in American life and the threat posed by the widening
inequities of a competitive international economy. At the beginning of the new
millennium it often seems as if the press now has only one way of talking about disadvantage,
which is in terms of racial and ethnic discrimination. In the process, the
wider "moral, social and economic ascendancy of the affluent," as
political writer Thomas Edsall has described it, has been given short shrift.
siding so openly with the cultural left on controversial diversity issues, the
press has compounded the estrangement and anger of much of the electorate,
unintentionally feeding the cultural and political back- lash against that
agenda. Atlantic editor Michael Kelly summed up this dynamic most perceptively
during the 1996 presidential campaign. Voters, said Kelly, then writing for the
New Yorker, "are attracted to ideas that the fourth estate regards as
beyond the fringe.
want illegal immigration stopped.... They regard affirmative action as reverse
discrimination and the welfare system as immoral....
They are distressed by gay
marriage, strongly oppose out of wedlock births and would like to see at least
some limits on abortion. They believe that these positions are legitimate
regardless of whether they violate party orthodoxies or the mainstream media's
sense of propriety. They are angry that their views have been ignored and
press's uncritical acceptance of multiculturalist assumptions may have
propelled anti-diversity backlash in more subtle psycho- logical ways as well.
A press that defends affirmative action by insisting that blacks should not
have to meet the same meritocratic standards as whites may have encouraged many
whites to think that blacks are sim- ply not capable of doing so. A press that
refuses to identify crime suspects by race in order to protect the
sensitivities of the black middle class might just be supporting the impression
that all criminal suspects are minorities.
telling the public that new immigrants should not have to adapt to the values,
practices and language of their new society, the press might in fact, be saying that they can't,
which only reinforces prejudice against them. Feeding the public a steady diet
of stories in which immigrants are made to appear as
luckless victims of an inhospitable Anglo main- stream could persuade that
mainstream to decide that immigrants are too problematic, and that maintaining
high volumes of newcomers may not be worth the trouble, especially if we
enter a cyclic recession. Immigration sociologist David Hayes Bautista has noted that the more
the advocates of Latino victimization press their case, the more fodder they
provide for arguments to curtail Latino immigration. What comes across more
than anything else, Bautista maintains, is the portrait of an essentially
passive and fatalistic people largely incapable of making it in a modern
too the boomerang effect of images of unrelenting black victimization. As Michael
Lind noted in the New
Republic, the liberal strategy of
de-emphasizing genuine progress made by blacks for fear of promoting
[political] complacency has backfired, creating a distorted image of generic
black degeneration, like something out the racist tracts of the 1900's in the
minds of frightened whites."
diversity crusade has had another set of unintended, anti-progressive
consequences as well that affect the media itself. The obsession with diversity
has contributed to a significant decline in morale in the media and induced an
attrition of journalistic talent. Although it was not the sole factor that
convinced many longtime staffers at the Los Angeles Times to take
a 1995-buyout
offer, disenchantment with the paper's diversity-related excesses were
certainly a part of why so many talented veterans left when management made its
offer. As one of them told the Washington Post, there is
a factionalism at work at this paper which I think is extremely
counterproductive. Shelby [Shelby Coffey, then editor in chief] has alienated
many of us who are not regarded as minorities."
find the intellectual pieties that surround the discussions of race, ethnicity
and gender to be confining, amounting to what some have called 11ideological work rules. "There is a
socialization process at
the LA
Times," says Jill Stewart, a former reporter for the paper who describes a kind of
Gresham's Law whereby the bad drives out the good: People who care about
complexity leave the paper and people who want simplistic answers stay."
Adds a reporter who covers race and immigration for the San Francisco Chronicle, I'm really thinking about getting out of journalism. There's too
much oversimplification. Everything has to be black and white and people have
to demonized for what they think. There's a real lack of subtleties and nuances
and political correctness is a big part of that." Still others leave
because even liberal hell-raising just isn't
fun anymore. "There
are so many people out there who are terminally earnest-they've taken the life
out of it," the Philadelphia
Inquirer's Art Carey complains.
diversity drive has also had unintended consequences on the news business's
bottom line. Publishers and editors concerned about declining readership and
broadcasters worried about a decline in viewers initially imagined that
diversity would help news organizations find new minority markets. Arthur
Sulzberger Jr. was wrong when he told that 1992 summit conference,
"Diversity not only makes good moral sense, it makes good business sense
too." In fact, the effort has not become the "cornerstone of
growth" that people like Dorothy Gilliam, former Washington Post columnist and former NABJ president, predicted. Indeed,
according to some analysts, news organizations have staked far too much on what
is essentially a myth of the minority news consumer. Research has shown that
the minority readership gap was not in fact as big as was originally described,
and that most minority consumers want just what everyone else wants: timely
information and analysis produced with professional detachment and objectivity,
to help them sort through complicated issues. Candor, yes; pandering, no.
Perhaps more important than
the failure to attract new minority consumers is the impact of the diversity
agenda on mainstream white news consumers who represent the bulk of the news
market. According to surveys, increasing numbers in this group are alienated by
diversity-skewed reporting. Much of the American public has the sense that news
organizations have a view of reality at odds with their own and that their
reporting and commentary come from some kind of parallel universe. Research has
also shown that readers find the sanctimonious tone of the press off-putting
too. Notes the Philadelphia
Inquirer's Art Carey, "The arrogance and the smugness-the sense that
we know how people should live and exist-the hectoring and lecturing tone of
the paper. These are some of the reasons we're on the slide, why we are losing
readers all the time. People are
offended. People are alienated."
One of the things this
alienation has done is to boost the stock of Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge and
others in the conservative talk radio and Internet circuit. Talk radio's surge
in popularity is one of diversity's most unintended consequences. While it may
not always have its facts nailed down, this populist, largely conservative
medium does get out the news that mainstream journalists have long ignored or
suppressed. It also gives voice to ideas and perspectives that have been
shunned or derided by traditional news outlets where diversity-driven orthodoxy
has crimped the parameters of acceptable discourse. As Robert
Bartley, editor
of the Wall Street Journal's editorial
page, observed, "If it finds
the mainstream press lacking, the public will simply find its own sources of
information-as declining readership and network news ratings suggest is already
happening." The surging popularity of Fox News Network is a clear
manifestation of Bartley's prediction, as viewers abandon what they see as
biased traditional networks in favor of an · upstart with a broader
sense of "fair and balanced."
The most serious
consequence of diversity-obsessed journalism is the deepening credibility
crisis of the entire news profession. Letting its own preconceived view of the
world interfere with its reporting, the press has simply gotten the story wrong
too many times-gays in the military, the Kelly Flinn affair, the burning of black churches, and the so-called "re-segregation" of higher education-to
retain its claim on public respect and authority, and to play the special role
it always has in our civic life. "Every story we get wrong causes us to
lose more of our credibility and integrity," explains San Francisco Chronicle columnist Debra Saunders.
the most vital force in America's political life, news organizations have
forfeited their leadership role. Today, many of them--even as they crow about
"getting right with the future," as Miami Herald publisher
David Lawrence puts it-seem stuck behind the ideological curve, wedded to a
rigid view of diversity that the general citizenry finds both irrelevant and
suspect. Far from being a progressive source of new ideas, in many instances
the press represents a tired bulwark of liberal dogma and reaction, enforcing a
PC conventional wisdom. What progressive reform there is occurs without or despite it,
such as reforms in California's bilingual education programs and New York
City's qual- ity-of-life initiatives. As Los Angeles Times journalist
Ronald Brownstein says, "The public is moving beyond the choices we have
set up for it and we in the press are often the last to acknowledge that."
the end, though, the press's diversity crusade has performed its greatest
disservice in the damage it has inflicted on the country's broader civic
culture. At this complicated historical juncture, with the nation facing the
crucial task of absorbing people from different cultures and reapportioning
power and rights among various competing groups, the press should be trying to
sharpen what the progressive social philosopher John Dewey called the
"vital habits of democracy." According to Dewey, these vital habits
are: the ability to follow an argument; to grasp another's point of view; to
expand the boundaries of understanding; and to debate the alternative purposes
of what might be pursued. In addition, a press that was
really trying to help society negotiate this tricky historical moment should
also be trying to encourage a spirit of public cooperation and public trust
that inspires people to rise beyond their own narrow group interest, to feel a
sense of shared fate, and to take the steps necessary to build a common future.
theory, newsroom diversity is supposed to
encourage all this. Through the self-conscious inclusion of groups previously
marginalized by the dominant white media culture, diversity was supposed to
widen and deepen the radar screen on which society sees itself. This would, its
champions assured, enrich the mix of
images, information and perspectives we consume, putting our collective sense
of ourselves in sync with the complexities of our fast-changing society. But in
practice, as shown by the coverage I have examined in the course of this book,
the media’s diversity crusade has proven a failure.
Instead of raising the tone of public
discourse and making it more intellectually sophisticated, the diversity ethos
has dumbed it down, blunting the public's faculties for reasoned argument just
when the edge has never had to be sharper. Instead of expanding the
"boundaries of understanding," it has narrowed them; instead of
presenting "alter- native pursuits," it has conveyed a restricted
sense of the available policy options. A sound public debate about such complex
issues as affirmative action; immigration, gay rights and race requires
intellectual rigor and an appreciation for nuance, not the mind-washing
pro-diversity incantations and cliches that the press has tended to favor. A
sound public discourse requires candor and frankness, not a scrim of false
piety and euphemism that conceals unpalatable truths. A sound public discourse
requires the press to be an enemy of political demagoguery, not a vehicle for
the end, the realization of a workable multiethnic and multiracial civic future
requires ample reserves of public trust. But an ideological press whose
reporting and analysis is distorted by double standards, intellectual
dishonesty and fashionable cant favoring certain groups over others only
poisons the national well. If
the United States is ever to find a framework
for handling its ever-increasing
multiplicity, it will need: 1) sound
policy guidance from journalists capable of producing reporting and analysis
uncolored by political dogma; 2) a public confident that it is not being sold
an ideological bill of goods that runs counter to the realities it sees in its
eyes and feels in its bones; 3) a revival of a civic ideal that transcends
narrow subcultural identities. To the extent that the diversity agenda encourages
none of these, the task of building a progressive, multiethnic and multiracial
society has been made more daunting than it inherently is.
1832, Alexis de Tocqueville said that newspapers in young America were
necessary in order to unite the many "wandering minds" and individual
points of view he encountered in his travels. "The news- paper brought
them together," he wrote, "and the newspaper is still necessary to
keep them united." Tocqueville' s observation seems even more important today, when we face
unprecedented ethnic, racial and cultural change, and the expanding diversity
of our population makes public consensus more elusive than ever before.
Although its legitimacy is under a cloud of its own creating, the news media
still plays a critical role in the civic life of the country. As the primary
shaper of our civic culture, it sets the terms through
which we relate to each other both as individuals and as groups, and provides
the mirror by which we under- stand ourselves as a collective entity. It is important that it tell
the full story, and not just the
part that fits a preconceived script or affirms a narrow orthodoxy. The mirror
the press holds up to our nature, in other words, must show the whole picture.
Mandatory reading. --- Nat Hentoff, Village Voice, A Book Unfit For The New York Times,
I think McGowan has hit a nerve. ---
Bill Maher, Politically Incorrect
"Rainbow's End," Washington Post Book World
Winner, National Press Club Award, 2002
A scathing report on media political
correctness and its accompanying distortions of reality. --- Wall Street Journal
"Rainbow's End," Washington Post Book World
Winner, National Press Club Award, 2002
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Only Man Is Vile: What Sri Lanka's Bloody Ethnic Conflict Can Teach America About Identity Politics And Multicultural Failure
Only Man Is Vile: The Tragedy of Sri
Lanka (FSG, 1992; Picador, 1993)
p. 8: As compelling as it was to use
Sri Lanka's fall from grace to understand the problems of many former Third
World colonies, I was just as drawn to the situation there by what it said to
the West. Obviously, Sri Lanka's predicament underscored its inability to build
a multiethnic, multicultural society based on equity and respect for principles
of secular pluralism. This was something that states in the West might take
note of, I thought, as these societies became more ethnically diverse and less
certain about their essential cultural identities.
Ironically, though, Sri Lanka
failed to build a stable multiethnic, multicultural society because it embraced
many of the very concepts and ideas that multiculturalists in the West have advocated.
These included preferential policies for ethnic groups deemed historically
oppressed; reform of the school curriculum to redeem outdated cultural hegemony
and promote ethnic self- awareness; economic policies that stressed ethnic
entitlement instead of merit, efficiency, or economic expansion; linguistic
nationalism indulged at the expense of a common tongue; and other ideas shaped
by a romantic infatuation with the idea of distinct cultural identities based
on invidious scholarship and demagoguery. Sri Lanka, with its own discrete
historical and cultural context, was a remote war-torn country in the
underdeveloped world that many of my own contemporaries couldn't find on a map.
But its experience cast shadows toward the more stable and affluent Western
countries which those countries ignored at the risk of their own political and
cultural fragmentation.
![]() |
With the LTTE, Jaffna, October 1987 |
Man Is Vile is
one of the best books ever written on nationalistic, racial and religious
conflict... A
great, impressive and sound book.
---Ryszard Kapuscinski, The Emperor, Shah of Shahs, Another Day Of Life
Mr. McGowan has a gift for literary travel writing in the Graham Greene tradition.
---Wall Street Journal
An excellent book.
—The Economist
Mr. McGowan has a gift for literary travel writing in the Graham Greene tradition.
---Wall Street Journal
An excellent book.
—The Economist
Notable Book of the Year, 1992, New York Times Book Review
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